The One
Biggest Mistake That You Can Make When Buying A Solar System !
with a solar company that doesn't post their system prices on their website or
who won't at least provide you with a detailed written quote for materials and
at least a ballpark quote for labor before insisting on coming out to
your home.
Many solar dealers
now insist upon
coming to your home so that they can assess your home's suitability for solar
and discuss pricing. This is a common practice in many high dollar industries
and especially true when dealers are Charging far too much for their products or
In our opinion, sending someone out to
your home at the beginning of the process is a bit pre-mature and you can almost
bet that the person that will visit you is not there to simply assess your home
but rather to close the sale on their product. You can also bet that a company that's
trying to sell an overpriced product will not simply send a friendly technicians
out and call it a day. They're going to send the best salesman that money can
buy that's going to use every high pressure
sales tactic in the book to get you to sign on the
dotted line.
Have you ever walked into a car dealer
with the intent of "just looking" only to drive out with a new car, then suffer
from buyers remorse because you never shopped for better price at another dealer
The truth is that determining the right
solar system for your home is not rocket science and there is
absolutely no reason whatsoever why a
salesman would need to come to your home.
Everything including a price quote
can be discussed in a few minutes over the phone, all without pressure. The only
time someone would need to come to your home to perform an evaluation is after
you have been provided with an acceptable price quote and you’ve made your
decision to proceed.
Click here to learn ten questions that you should ask any solar dealer before buying a
system !
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