brining You The Power Of The Sun At Down To Earth Prices !
®, Inc. ">

Simply Better Components

In an effort to be competitive, many dealers have resorted to offering thin light duty mounting rails that require many more roof penetrations, lightweight, low cost, inverters with small high frequency transformers, and solar panels with poorer per Watt PTC ratings and or poorer tolerance ratings.

Here at Discount Solar Supply we never skimp on quality. Every system that we sell includes only the very best heavy duty components available on today's market.

And that's not just talk. In a side by side comparison we'll prove why our name brand top of the line equipment outperforms the competition hands down at a price that can't be beat.


Unmatched Service

  • Our experienced staff will help you choose the right system.

  • We'll also help you fill out the State's paperwork.

  •  Use our referral list of experienced B licensed contractors and C-10 licensed electricians to professionally install your system or hire your own preferred installer. The choice is yours.++

  • Our factory authorized service center (One of the oldest in California) will be here if you ever need our services.


We're Here To Help

We understand that solar energy may be new for you and that you may have many questions regarding your purchase, that's ok, you'll find that our staff is not only knowledgeable and friendly but actually enthusiastic about helping a customer with a new installation. All of us here at Discount Solar Supply believes firmly in a clean renewable " Solar Electric Future " and anything that we can do to make that future a reality is our mission.

Attention !

If you've received a quote from Home Depot®, any SunPower® dealer, Solar City® or from any dealer for that matter, bring it to us and we'll beat it hands down !

Not only can we beat their price typically by thousands of dollars, but you'll also receive top of the line, name brand product and the service and support that you deserve !



Green Solar Powered Air Conditioning

We're America's first company to offer a solar energy system
specifically designed to produce sufficient power to offset the energy that is consumed by a typical central air conditioner system at a fraction of the cost of a whole house solar system.


On And Off And On And Off

Hundreds Of Times Each Cooling Season.

This Is Exactly What Drives Your Electric Bill Through The Roof !


Now say goodbye to high air conditioning bills forever !

Think about it for a moment, isn't it only when the summer cooling months roll around that you feel the pinch of those high electric bills ? Well now there's finally something that you can do without spending the forty to sixty thousand dollars that all of the other solar dealers are demanding for their expensive a whole home solar systems.

In addition to our much lower pricing, in many states you can reduce or even eliminate your air conditioner bill and receive a huge cash rebate and a 30% Federal tax credit by powering your air conditioner with one of our specially designed solar generating systems.


Dramatically reduce or even eliminate your annual air conditioner bill !

Our specially designed solar generating system connects directly to the same sub-panel as your existing air conditioner.

No need to upgrade or replace your existing air conditioner unit with expensive unproven technology.

Reduce or even eliminate your annual air conditioner bill, no matter what size air conditioner you own.

Our AC solar generating systems qualify for huge cash rebates that are being offered in many states.

Our AC solar generating systems qualify for the new 30% Federal tax credit or grant.

Our AC solar generating systems are far less expensive than the whole house solar systems offered by other companies because our systems are designed specifically for reducing or eliminating only your home's annual air conditioner bill.


There's No Need To Change Out Your Existing Central Air Conditioning System !

Solar Financing Available

For A 2 ton or smaller AC Unit

Up to a 1,500 square foot home

12 Mitsubishi PV-MLE265HD 265 Watt Mono Crystalline Solar Panel

1 ST30240 Power Conversion Unit

AC Disconnect

PV Cable and Grounding Lugs

Wiring Diagram

Sale Price $7,344.00

Click Here For Details

Price Before Any Rebate Or The 30% Federal Tax Credit !


For A 3-4 ton AC Unit

Up to a 1,500 to 3,000 square foot home

20 Mitsubishi PV-MLE265HD 265 Watt Mono Crystalline Solar Panel

1 ST40240 Power Conversion Unit

AC Disconnect

PV Cable and Grounding Lugs

Wiring Diagram

Sale Price $11,342.00

Click Here For Details

Price Before Any Rebate Or The 30% Federal Tax Credit !


For A 4 ton or larger AC Unit

Up to a 3,000+ square foot home

28 Mitsubishi PV-MLE265HD 265 Watt Mono Crystalline Solar Panel

1 ST60240 Power Conversion Unit

AC Disconnect

PV Cable and Grounding Lugs

Wiring Diagram

Sale Price $15,878.00

Click Here For Details

Price Before Any Rebate Or The 30% Federal Tax Credit !


Why let the Summer Sun bring you down when you can let

the Summer Sun cool you down !

Because of recent technological advances, it is now possible to power your home's central air conditioner system with free energy from the sun. And with many states offering cash rebates for the purchase of a solar electric system for your home or place of business, now's the perfect time to say goodbye to your high cooling bills !

When you consider the large cash rebates and tax credits that are available, powering your air conditioner with solar energy is a "no brainer"

This is one of the biggest government giveaways ever.




Call Or Email For More Information




International Call 1-760-962-8031



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* The Home Depot® and SunPower® are the registered trademarks of Home Depot Inc. and Sun Power Corporation respectively. Discount Solar Supply has absolutely no association with either of these companies.

Copyright © 2018 Discount Solar Supply